py-pyobjc-framework-PreferencePanes | Bridge between Python and Objective-C (PreferencePanes framework) | |
py-pyobjc-framework-PubSub | Bridge between Python and Objective-C (PubSub framework) | |
py-pyobjc-framework-QTKit | Bridge between Python and Objective-C (QTKit framework) | |
py-pyobjc-framework-Quartz | Bridge between Python and Objective-C (Quartz framework) | |
py-pyobjc-framework-ScreenSaver | Bridge between Python and Objective-C (ScreenSaver framework) | |
py-pyobjc-framework-ScriptingBridge | Bridge between Python and Objective-C (ScriptingBridge framework) | |
py-pyobjc-framework-SearchKit | Bridge between Python and Objective-C (SearchKit framework) | |
py-pyobjc-framework-ServiceManagement | Bridge between Python and Objective-C (ServiceManagement framework) | |
py-pyobjc-framework-Social | Bridge between Python and Objective-C (Social framework) | |
py-pyobjc-framework-StoreKit | Bridge between Python and Objective-C (StoreKit framework) | |
py-pyobjc-framework-SyncServices | Bridge between Python and Objective-C (SyncServices framework) | |
py-pyobjc-framework-SystemConfiguration | Bridge between Python and Objective-C (SystemConfiguration framework) | |
py-pyobjc-framework-WebKit | Bridge between Python and Objective-C (WebKit framework) | |
py-pyparsing | Pyparsing module for Python | |
py-Pyro | Distributed Object Technology system in Python | |
py-pysvn | Python interface to Subversion | |
py-pytemplate | Pytemplate gives python developpers a starting framework | |
py-pyutil | Collection of mature utilities for Python programmers | |
py-quixote | Framework for writing Python web application | |
py-readline | Line editing support for Python | |
py-recaptcha (V) | Plugin for reCAPTCHA and reCAPTCHA Mailhide | |
py-rednose | Coloured output for nosetests | |
py-repoze.lru | Tiny LRU cache implementation and decorator | |
py-requests | HTTP library, written in Python, for human beings | |
py-requests-toolbelt | Utility belt for advanced users of python-requests | |
py-rope | Rope is a python refactoring library | |
py-rply | Pure Python Lex/Yacc that works with RPython | |
py-serpent | Simple serialization library | |
py-setuptools | New Python packaging system | |
py-setuptools_scm | Manage your versions by scm tags | |
py-setuptools_trial | Setuptools plugin for Twisted-based unit tests | |
py-singledispatch | Library brings functools.singledispatch from Python 3.4 | |
py-sip (V) | Tool to create Python bindings for C++ libraries | |
py-six (V) | Python 2 and 3 compatibility utilities | |
py-speaklater | Implements a lazy string for python useful for use with gettext | |
py-spwd | Python module to access the Unix shadow password database | |
py-stompclient | Lightweight and extensible STOMP messaging client | |
py-subprocess32 | Backport of the subprocess module from Python 3.2/3.3 for use on 2.x | |
py-subversion | Python bindings and tools for Subversion | |
py-subvertpy | Alternative Python bindings for Subversion | |
py-sysctl | Python interface to sysctl(3) | |
py-tabular | Tabular data tools for Python | |
py-test | Python testing tool | |
py-testtools | Extensions to the Python standard library unit testing framework | |
py-tortoisehg | GUI for Mercurial | |
py-tryton | Three-tiers high-level general purpose application platform | |
py-trytond | Server of the Tryton application platform | |
py-unit | Unit testing framework for python | |
py-unitgui | Unit testing framework for python tk | |
py-unittest2 | New features in unittest backported to Python 2.4+ | |
py-unittest2py3k | Unittest features for Python 2.7 (Python 3.x version) | |
py-urwid | Curses-based Python user interface library | |
py-usb | Python interface to USB via libusb | |
py-virtualenv | Virtual Python Environment builder | |
py-windbg | Python GUI debugger | |
py-xdg | Python library for XDG | |
py-zanata-python-client | Zanata translation service client written in Python | |
py-zconfig | Configuration library | |
py-zhCodecs (V) | Python Unicode codecs for Chinese charsets | |
py-ZopeComponent | Zope Component Architecture modules | |
py-ZopeInterface | The zope.interface package used in Zope 3 and Twisted | |
python-mode | Emacs mode for editing python files | |
pythontidy | Cleans up, regularizes, and reformats the text of Python scripts | |
qbzr | GUI front end for Bazaar | |
qconf | Configure script generator for qmake | |
qjson | Qt library for handling JSON data | |
qof | Query Object Framework | |
qore-uuid-module | UUID module for Qore | |
qtscriptgenerator | Tool that generates Qt bindings for Qt Script | |
quilt | Tools to manage series of patches | |
R-evaluate | Parsing and evaluation tools | |
R-Rcpp | Seamless R and C++ Integration | |
radare2 | Reverse engineering framework | |
radare2-valabind | Reverse engineering framework (language bindings interface) | |
ragel | State machine compiler | |
rainbow-delimiters-el | Emacs mode for colorful parentheses highlighting | |
rapidsvn | Cross-platform Subversion GUI | |
ratfor | Preprocessor for the Ratfor dialect of Fortran | |
RBTools | Tool to submit patches to a Review Board | |
rcs | GNU Revision Control System - version control software | |
rdp | Compiles attributed LL(1) grammars into recursive descent compilers | |
re2c | Deterministic Finite State Automaton generator | |
readline | GNU library that can recall and edit previous input | |
rebar | Rebar is an Erlang build tool | |
refinecvs | Convert CVS repository to SVN dump | |
Renaissance | Structured GNUstep user interface development framework | |
reposurgeon | Tool for editing version-control repository history | |
roundup | Issue tracking system with command-line, web and email clients | |
rox-lib | Shared code for ROX applications | |
rpc2 | CMU (Coda) remote procedure call package | |
rscode | Reed Solomon error correction code library | |
rsltc | RAISE Specification Language Type Checker | |
rt-mysql | Industrial-grade ticketing system | |
rt-pgsql | Industrial-grade ticketing system | |
rt3 | Industrial-grade ticketing system | |
rt4 | Industrial-grade ticketing system | |
RTFM | Enterprise-grade knowledge management tool | |
RTx-RightsMatrix | Utility to efficiently manage rights to a RT installation | |
rubigen | Ruby stub generator | |
ruby-abstract | Abstract methods for Ruby |